Investing in the future of menopause

Menotech is a term derived from "FemTech". Femtech includes everything from devices and apps to help track menstruation, fertility, mammograms, breastfeeding and more. Menotech refers to technologies developed for people experiencing the 35+ symptoms of menopause.

By 2025 it is estimated, that over a billion people worldwide will be experiencing menopause.

According to predictions by the United Nations these numbers will only increase in the coming decades due to a global population ageing, with women making up a majority of the ageing group.

People entering perimenopause during these years are born in the 1980's. They expect technology to help them through these times but find that there are currently few companies developing menopause tech in terms of devices. Furthermore, the technology solutions they already rely on everyday such as smart watches, apps and connected devices are not taking menopause into account. Designing with menopause is mind is going to be crusial for tech solutions to be future proof.

People going through menopause experience over 35 different symptoms from physical to mental. However these symptoms are rarely addressed by new technologies due to the societal stigma which silences nearly all discussion and innovation about menopause. There is significant opportunity to develop new menopause technologies, be it hardware or software and our mission is to invent tomorrow’s technologies, today.

For our community members, we believe that it's important to help developers to see the potential in creating new technologies to help those suffering the symptoms of menopause, and for those experiencing menopause, we believe it's important that their money is invested in lasting solutions which actually help them. This is why we're committed to bringing together design thinking with future technologies, today, so that we can begin creating a better future wherein we all discuss, explore, and solve for menopause, together.

We have created this community because we know it is necessary.

People transitioning into menopause will expect technology to help them - together, we can thoughtfully develop and provide that technology. Join us today to start learning about menopause and the technologies and opportunities present in this significant market. The next wave of people entering menopause will expect your products and services to be designed with them in mind, are you ready? 

Join the Menopause Revolution